ATVs. Credit: Mushing. Credit: Mud. Credit: Moose. Credit:

Petition to the Assembly

Note: The petition (paper and electronic signatures) is being presented to the Assembly on 22 August. However, please still sign the electronic version, below, and your signatures will be delivered to the Borough as an Addendum, in September.

Please tell the FNSB Assembly that you care about long-term public access to the Peede Trails area. One way to do this is by signing a petition (see the Actions page for other ways). We need the voices of neighbors, but also of people who don’t live nearby.

Petition text: “Keeping Borough land east of Brock Road and north of Repp Road in public ownership with full public access is important to me. I request that the Borough not sell three properties (known as ‘Peede Rd. Tract’, ‘Florence Street GL-3’, ‘Blalock Road GL-4’) at the fall 2019 land sale, but instead retain them for public purpose.”